Hyderabad based H-Bots Robotics Launched First Smart Police Robot “Robocop”
Tags: Hyderabad, H-Bots, smart, police robot, robocop, artificial intelligence, technothrow
Hello Friends,
Have you ever think robots are doing police jobs, how cool right.
A Hyderabad based robotics technology compony H-Bots Robotics has developed a smart policing robot. The five-foot-seven-inch, suave looking bot called the Smart RoboCop.
This ‘Robocop” is equipped with cameras and arrays of sensor like ultrasonic, proximity sensors, temperature sensors, etc connected to GPS. This Robocop is in beta version. The Robo has an ability to do 360-degree eye level surveillance, face and gesture recognition, can suspect and identify, detect metals, monitor temperature and can control theft. The robot also has futuristic body design and has inbuilt Artificial Intelligence. It has dual LED lights, thermal imaging, and emergency amber flashlights. It has automatic charging dock station. It can be deployed both for Indoor and outdoor jobs
The bot also contains 24/7 connectivity, ensuring that its whereabouts are known. Police can also tune into a live video stream as the robot makes its rounds. In addition, the robot also has the ability to communicate in six different languages as of now, English is already inbuilt and regional languages is under testing.
The main thing of this robot is all component required to do this robot are sourced from within the country.
Company claims that it is the world’s first police robot which moves, recognizes people, takes complaints, detects bombs, identified suspects, interacted with people, and answers peoples queries.
According to company it can be deployed for security and law enforcement. It can be used in all police operations as an informant such as in traffic operation or support the anti-sexual harassment SHE Teams. It can be deployed in shopping malls, airports, bus stations, exhibitions, railway and metro stations. It can also be used as an assistant for database handling, control room surveillance, building space security, friendly interaction and mapping inside the building
These robots will be made available for commercial deployment in locations in India and will ship the robots to other countries by end of 2018. They will be available at price Rs 5,00,00 to 20,00,000.
Tags: Hyderabad, H-Bots, smart, police robot, robocop, artificial intelligence, technothrow